Grasses, Phormiums & Bamboo
They can add structure, form, texture, sound and colour to a garden. Everything from bold architectural Phormiums to soft and flowing Stipa, we've a plant to suit any situation. We grow over 60 different grass and grass-like plants in 2 litre and 10 litre pot sizes. Phormium Phormium are back in fashion and provide such a dramatic display of colourful structural foliage and flowers. We grow them in 3 litre and 10 litre pots, ordering in large specimens when required. Bamboo Our Bamboo range is made up of select varieties to give good stem colour, dense foliage or tall screening properties. We grow them in pot sizes from 10 litre to 90 litre! |
Below is the list of grasses, phormiums and bamboo we typically grow & stock
Trade customers - For an up to date availability list click here
Retail customers - if you would like to check availability please call or email here
Retail customers - if you would like to check availability please call or email here
Alopecurus Calamagrostris Carex Deschampsia Festuca Hakenochloa Liriope Luzula |
Miscanthus Ophiopogon Panicum Pennisetum Phalaris Seslaria Stipa |
Phormium sps. & cultivars Bamboo: Fargesia Hibanobambusa Phyllostachys |